Post-Turkey Day Reflection (Week 13)

Ahh…the snow is blowing, the leftover mashed potatoes are settling at the pit of my stomach, and our first school day back after the holiday break is cancelled. Can you say crazy?

Right now I’m sitting on an airport seat, trying to figure my life out. My flight back to Iowa was cancelled, leaving me in a tizzy of preparing lesson plans, contacting my cooperating teacher, changing my schedule, and trying to book a new flight.

thanksgiving catOnly a few hours ago, I found that Forest City schools are closed due to crazy weather. (Stay tuned, I may be stuck in the Chicago airport forever!) With post-break craziness and general laziness, I’ve felt out of sorts. (And chunky, like this cat picture on the right).

I’m excited to have my final two weeks with my middle schoolers, especially with the eighth graders, who will be working on their final projects soon–writing vignettes of their own (based on House on Mango Street)! But it’s also bittersweet. As I gather my last portfolio items, collect artifacts for my student teaching capstone presentation, and prepare to meet with my Waldorf College professors/faculty for my exit interviews, I’m not sure what to feel.

Reflection: I have learned so much. I’ve learned to love students as my own. I’ve learned to be patient, firm, strong, understanding, supportive, involved, responsible, kind, calm, strict, lenient, gracious, tough, and positive. I’ve learned that students carry baggage with them every single day. I’ve learned that they come from crazy backgrounds and lives. I’ve learned that they need someone to love and support them. And I’ve learned I’m that person.

Goal: As my experience draws to a close, my final goal is to prepare a capstone presentation that really does encompass and showcase how I’ve grown as a person and a teacher over the last semester. I will present this on December 2nd, and I want it to be perfect.


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