The Widely-Held Expectations in Intellectual, Writing, and Reading Development

As a future English/Reading teacher, I’ve had plenty of experience [in the classroom and in clinical placements] evaluating student work/student abilities, whether that be their basic intellectual skills, their writing skills, or their reading skills.

In my Assessment and Goal-Setting course at Waldorf College, I studied the Widely-Held Expectations in Intellectual, Writing, and Reading Development, specifically for ages 7-13 years old.

expectationsI was able to connect the expectations to actual student work in one of my clinical placements at Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High School in Garner, Iowa. I analyzed a student essay based on these expectations and was then able to determine if the student’s work was at grade level.

This was a useful experience for me because it helped me get acquainted with specific standards. I was also able to apply what I’d learned about the expectations to assist me in independently grading student work.

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